I made a plugin that can search youtube for videos and then add them as separate blog posts. This is the lazy man’s way to create content for a blog. I have been using this plugin on my www.jukester.com website for about a month and I have started getting considerable traffic. This is a surprise to me since I do practically nothing but search for appropriate youtubes every day or so and post them.
I expect that this plugin will create a rash of youtube sites and probably dilute the effect. Still it is a very easy way to add content to a web site.
I installed the plugin at StellaMaeve.com. Stella is the daughter of one of my best friends from Nyack High School and a rising young actress. Stella doesn’t have time to update her blog, so I add a video every few days and it seems to be working. The site and the feed are getting many new hits.
You can download the plugin at: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/youtube-poster-plugin/