I made a plugin that can search youtube for videos and then add them as separate blog posts. This is the lazy man’s way to create content for a blog. I have been using this plugin on my www.jukester.com website for about a month and I have started getting considerable traffic. This is a surprise to me since I do practically nothing but search for appropriate youtubes every day or so and post them.
I expect that this plugin will create a rash of youtube sites and probably dilute the effect. Still it is a very easy way to add content to a web site.
I installed the plugin at StellaMaeve.com. Stella is the daughter of one of my best friends from Nyack High School and a rising young actress. Stella doesn’t have time to update her blog, so I add a video every few days and it seems to be working. The site and the feed are getting many new hits.
You can download the plugin at: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/youtube-poster-plugin/
There are a bunch of parameters that I should add. I search for most recent, but I could search for most popular. I can search by channel with a little work.
I have a couple of other things on the table, but I will be making a new release soon and add your changes.
I love this plugin. It is soooooooooooooo cool. I would love to be able to refine the search down .. by sending a query to only look at post from author1, author2, author3 etc. For example. Lets say I’d like to post the most recent video from AssociatedPress’s Channel on YouTube. I can’t do that right now with this script. Searching for AP News or other like terms results in a lot of videos that aren’t from AP. Can you add this feature? That would be awesome!
I’ll put it in the next release
Thanks, keep em comin’
An awesome plugin. I took the liberty to add $murl.=”&fs=1″; after line 585: $murl=$media->media_content[‘url’];
since param name=\”allowFullScreen\” value=\”true\ doesn’t do anything.
Interesting plugin for youtube posting! I like some of your ideas and plugins you make. I have some ideas that i hope you dont mind me suggesting.
For some time now i have been looking for something that can bring in playlists from youtube to make it easier for me. I collaborate with youtube heavily with a channel and heaps of playlists that make into customised player at my main site. Two ideas i want in a plugin is:
1). To be able to display a randon plugin on my site pulled in from the favorites i have added at the youtube channel.
2). A way to pull random videos in from a selected playlist at the channel and or anyone elses for that matter if possible.
Basically i will feature a random video on the sidebar of my main site. Or may use short code to put lots of videos pulled in from a given playlist and make a full page of them. This is my channel https://www.youtube.com/ForPropertyInvestors and this is the site that collaborates with it https://www.forpropertyinvestors.com
Thanks – Daniel