Permalink Finder

83 Responses to “Permalink Finder”

  1. Keith says:

    The simple solution is to uninstall permalink finder. I do not support it and haven’t for over three years. It is the first plugin that I ever wrote and it is not the easiest plugin to maintain.


  2. Stephen Cronin says:

    Thanks for the quick answer Keith.

    Actually the 404 is by design. The user has used my plugin to find duplicate posts and delete all except one. My plugin is then catching the 404s for the deleted posts and redirecting them to the post that was kept. So both our plugins are operating in the same space.

    Our plugins actually wouldn’t clash if Permalink Finder didn’t try to redirect to entries of a custom post type with public set to false (I store the redirect info in such a post type).

    Entries in CPTs that aren’t public are not supposed to appear on the front end, so it doesn’t really make sense to try to redirect to them. WP_Query and get_posts, etc, won’t return such entries. It’s only because Permalink Finder is directly querying the database, without taking that into account, that’s it’s finding these posts.

    Anyway, I guess this particular case can be put down as both a fringe case and a plugin conflict. 🙂

    Having said that, plugins that are much more widely used than mine, such as WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, use custom post types that are not public (in EDD’s case to store payment history for example), so in theory Permalink Finder may try to redirect to their private CPTs. Still a plugin conflict, but less fringe. 🙂

  3. Keith says:

    The contact form dies on an AJAX call that is reject because the plugin thinks that you are a spammer. For whatever reason, the plugin does not like your IP address.

    I have not worked on permalink finder, except to fix a WP version bug or two, in over three years. I don’t have plans to update the plugin. The plugin works fine as is, and only has problems with some conflicts with other plugin and fringe cases.

    The issue here is the plugin fires off when it gets a 404. The correct solution is to fix the 404. Someone is clicking on a broken link. By fixing the link so it is not a 404 then there will be no 404 and the plugin will not be needed. You can make a page that matches the broken link or uninstall the plugin so it shows the 404 page.

  4. Hi Keith,

    I tried to submit this via your contact form, but it seems to be broken in both Firefox and Chrome. The loader gif just keeps going around in circles. When I used HTTPFox to see what was happening, there is a response back from the server saying Access denied and I’ve been blocked, but this never gets added to the page. The server response also includes “Please prove you are not a Robot”, but there are no visible fields in the page to do this.


    There is a user who is using both Permalink Finder and one of my plugins and we’ve found a conflict between the 2 plugins.

    I can give you reams of background if you’d like, but the problem seems to come down the fact that when Permalink Finder looks for posts to redirect a 404 to, it will find entries for Custom Posts Types with public set to false and try to redirect to them.

    When I test it locally, it redirects to the URL for that CPT entry, at which stage WordPress say “that’s not public” and redirects onwards to the home page. For the particular user I’m talking about however, there may be something else in play because it actually gets them to the URL for the CPT entry but shows the home page content.

    Is there any chance that a future version of Permalink Finder could ignore CPTs that aren’t public? Thanks.


  5. Keith says:

    Permalink finder does not fix links. There is no way to redirect a specific link to another page. What it does is try to match the permalink to a page or post that closely matches what you are searching for. It does this by searching the database for a fuzzy match on the url that it can’t find.


  6. Heba says:

    Could anyone please tell me how to redirect specific url page to another url.. Using the Permalink Finder Plugin?
    it’s a wordpress site
    (1) https://ifixscreens/locations (not working)
    (2) https://ifixscreens/locations/about-us/location (working)

  7. Keith says:

    I don’t often update plugins, especially when they don’t need it. There is a beta version on this site with a couple of bug fixes.


  8. Alexia Dahl says:

    I’m kinda worried since this plugin haven’t been updated for 2 years – should i be worried? I am considering to uninstall since i do not believe in plugins that haven’t been updated at least evert 2 years.

    Really great work though. 🙂

  9. Tobias Eigen says:

    Greetings! Thanks for the super handy plugin – it has been a huge help to us and we really appreciate it.

    I am running into a problem that I was hoping you’d be willing to help me with. Basically what’s happening is that bad addresses (e.g. are all being sent to the same page, which is an organization directory (e.g. This is confusing – I’d rather send these to either a 404 page or the frontpage. Is this possible?

  10. Keith says:

    It only kicks in on a 404. It then displays a match based on the permalink. Perhaps it is redirecting you to a blank page. It only works when you are using permalinks, if not, it doesn’t work right. It will not redirect urls with a ?p= in them.


  11. Bart says:

    When the plugin is enabled the 404 page is blank. Redirects are ok.
    Any idea what can be causing this?


  12. Keith says:

    Permalink finder only redirects permalinks. It does not redirect the ? parameters.


  13. Kristofer says:

    Hi Keith,

    This plugin is great, however it seems to fail help me out with my problem. I just migrated my site from s9y to wp. The s9y path follows the pattern: and should redirect to the wp pattern:

    It will only redirect to the start page. I found if the question in the s9y path wasn’t there your plugin would work perfectly. I tried to check/uncheck “Use all words in the URL” but it doesn’t affect this issue.

    Do you have any solution on this?

    Thank you in advance,

  14. Nathan Stout says:

    We are using Google AdWords and our online ad link does not contain the trailing slash ‘/’. Also, Adwords appends a GCLID to the URL which is then read and cookied on our Web site. Unfortunately, Permalink Finder was grabbing the URL and redirecting the page, and it stripped the extra data that was being sent in the URL.

    Is there a workaround for this situation? We had to disable the plug-in for the time being, but it really is very useful and we’d love to be able to get it up and running again.


  15. Keith says:

    In your case you don’t need it. The old ?p= will still work. Permalink finder won’t do anything. If you switch from blogger to wordpress or change the post titles, then you need it. People who restructure their site or change the permalink taxonomy will need the plugin.


  16. Phil says:

    Hello Keith,

    I have a quick question. I have a blog with around 250 posts. Still learning about blogging and using wordpress. All this time I have been using the default permalink ?p=123 but just switched over to permalink postname /sample-post/ so now all my posts past and present have switched to this.

    My question – do I really need to use a redirect or permalink finder plug-in? Will wordpress automatically redirect them? Seems like all the old post links work when I click on them on various sites and twitter. Will this affect my google page rank?

    I appreciate you taking time to reply and your expertise. Thanks.

  17. Keith says:

    The plugin works when wordpress gets “page not found – 404” It then searches for a post that matches closely to to the strings in the url. Since you did not have post title in the old url it won’t work. At best it will find the date and be able to match that to the date in the permalink, but probably not.


  18. Mark says:

    If my original permalinks are something like /year/month/day/hour/miniute/second, can your plugin work if I change permalink to /postid/post_title? In this case, I don’t know how your plugin do searching.

  19. Keith says:

    You’re welcome

  20. Carl Wilson says:

    Keith, I was looking for a solution for my permalinks to have the structure change from date/post to just post. Your plugin works great, thank you.

  21. Keith says:

    My plugin kicks in in “template-redirect” which is where wordpress decides which page to load. At this point the plugin knows that the it needs to load a 404 page so the plugin asks if the page is going to load a 404. If this is true the plugin tries to find a better page by parsing the url and looking in the posts table for a match. If there is no match it lets wordpress load the 404. If there is a good match it redirects to the page that most closely matches what you are looking for.

    Plugins can hook the same point, but what have to load themselves before mine in order to check for a redirect.

    There are places where the permalink is parsed and wordpress looks for a direct match and that’s where I hook my plugin if I were just redirecting permalinks. This happens well before my plugin is active.


  22. Aamir says:

    Hi, can I use your plugin with Redirection plugin??

    In fact there are many 301 redirects which I want to make like one-to-one. I don’t want Permalink Finder to guess them or cause any multi-level redirects. So, to create one-to-one 301 redirects, I use Redirection Plugin.

    Actually I am interested to know how your plugin behaves. Let’s suppose if I add a 301 redirect from LINK A to LINK B in redirection plugin. Now will your plugin try to find the related permalink first or allow other plugins (mainly redirection) to do its work first. Or is it reverse?? I mean does it work before any other plugin??

    Currently I am using both plugins on one of my sites and I don’t see any issue. What I think is that your plugin allows Redirection plugin to complete his work and if there is still 404 error then it tries to find the matching permalink.

    I would like to know your response as I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.

  23. Keith says:

    The plugin uses the domain url under “general” on the settings menu. Make sure that you have a separate installation for the new site – it needs a different database unless you are running MU.

    It looks like the plugin is picking up from the blog settings. If you want the redirect to go to… then you need to make sure the domain settings under general match the url.


  24. Malcolm Diaz says:

    Quick question…is it possible to stop “finding” something? I created a subdomain that I can’t access because it redirects me to another page on my main site instead.

    My main site url is
    My new sub domain is
    Permalink Finder redirects traffic from the sub domain to this;
    The reason it picked up that url as a “fixed” permalink was because the first time I created the sub domain I accidently created it in the wrong area of my file system. I fixed that but now this redirect will not let me get to where I want to go! Any suggestions besides turning off this great plugin?

  25. Epicture says:

    Hey! I just found the blog of the genius who created this marvellous plugin! Said like that it might seems a bit to much, but seriously it’s not: your plugin helped me a lot and I saved a lot of time thanks to you. Since i installed it, PFinder has found no less than 300 moved pages and 404 errors… (I’ve made a little mistake changing permalinks’ structure). Do you imagine the time i’d have spent to reassign manually all those url? My english is bit limited to say more but another time… thanx! your plugin is usefull all around the world. Ed

  26. Keith says:

    Yes the plugin only works on a 404 “page not found”. If you cache the 404 pages then the pages will be found. As long as there is not cached page the plugin will redirect to the right page.


  27. Simon says:

    Hey dude,
    The $ 30 I paid for itself very, very happy! You’ve helped me a lot with your work.

    Last Request. My Cache-Plugin ist offline now and i will wait 6-7 days for the new permalinks. than i can my cache-plugin online and no problems? i can`t believe ist. 😀 thats so easy!

  28. Keith says:

    Thank you very much. $30 is way too much. I hope you can get your company to pay for it.


  29. Keith says:

    Clear the cache so that any 404 pages are not cached. The permalink finder will work after that.


  30. Simon says:

    Hey dude,
    your plugin is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for your work. You’ve saved me so much time with your plugin, that I have paid you 30 dollars. I’ll also look at your other stuff yet. thank you thank you thank you!

    I have a little question please. now used by my site the permalink finder plugin that works with W3 Total Cache? Often it is so that the cache plugins do everything again broken. If you tell me to do I give a feedback would be very grateful!

    many greetings from Germany and sorry for my bad english 🙂

  31. Valério says:

    Hello, thank you, if you can, I am sending you email if you can help.

  32. Keith says:


    I made a small change to the latest beta test. Please download and install.

    It now ignores any url with a search parameter. It lets the search function take over.


  33. Valério says:

    I need an urgent solution. Nor can I disable the plugin. I urgently need to use this feed. Any idea?

  34. Keith says:

    This is a new one on me. The plugin should ignore things because there should be no issue with the url. All I can think of is that there is a problem with the htaccess which is not redirecting correctly.

    I will try to reproduce on my servers.


  35. Valério says:

    Hi, had a search on feed, and now I can not get results, redirecting. How to solve?

  36. Keith says:


    I’m glad the plugin helped.

    I certainly need the services of

    Of curse, I cannot afford to have my stories professionally read, so I will continue taking my chances with friends and relatives.

    Anyway, I need more of a “sense” check than spelling and grammar checks. Sometimes the things I write just don’t make sense.


  37. Well done Keith!

    Just found and used this much-needed plugin on my site after I had changed the structure of my permalinks (and therefore all external links to my posts were turning up as 404 errors).

    – Stickler Editing

  38. Keith says:

    Thanks Cleave,

    I will try to release the latest version soon.


  39. Cleave says:

    The changes to look for the cats. are working as expected. My thanks to you for this and look forward to any other changes that you might come up with for the plugin.

  40. Cleave says:

    Downloaded and installed. By tomorrow should have a sampling of how the cat. function is working.

  41. Keith says:

    I am working on this change.


  42. Naziman says:

    I have check your plugin, it not slow my page. Its really good. 90% 404 error in my blog solved but i want some request.Can this plugin make 1 function for manual redirect? because some 404 error in my cannot be solved unless manual redirect or make 1 page exactly slug like that. I hope you can make this feature.

  43. Keith says:


    I don’t know. The plugin does not do anything unless there is a 404 so it does not slow your pages. Leave it in forever.


  44. Naziman says:

    Usually how long google will change their index?

  45. Keith says:

    The plugin will stop working if you deactivate.

    It sends 301 redirect so Google will change their index, but it will take time.

    If you take it out the 404s will reappear.


  46. Naziman says:

    hehe, sorry bad english. I have change permalink structure in my blog. Right now, i have test it, all my backlink redirect to new permalink structure. But i want to know, if i deactivate this plugin, is it 301 redirect still working or will show 404 error?

  47. Keith says:


    I don’t understand your question. Please be more specific.


  48. Naziman says:

    I want to know, is it after i deactivate this plugin. Redirect not working?

  49. Keith says:

    The beta version of the plugin searches for an exact match on the category slug before trying to find a page or a post with the same slug.

    I have lots of test code in the plugin that needs to be cleaned out before I release it, but you can try out the beta at:

    I am going to write a page with the links to all of my beta test plugins.

  50. Cleave says:

    How goes the looking?

  51. Keith says:

    I will look into it.


  52. Cleave says:

    I was wondering what would need to be changed in the plugin to look at category slugs as well. Bing keeps sending the robot to look at pages without the /category/ part in front of the actual category page.

  53. Keith says:

    The latest version (not yet released fixes Aamir’s problem. You can download the beta version at:

    This adds new features and fixes some bugs.

    I will test it another few days and then release – perhaps over the weekend.


  54. Keith says:

    I will fix as soon as I figure out what is going on.


  55. Aamir Usman says:

    Hi, I have just deactivated your plugin because it was causing a serious problem. When I clicked on any category, it redirected me to a post instead of that category. Please correct this problem. I am installing the old version now.

  56. SBA says:

    Will the new version fix the problem I added on 5/19 about option to track resetting itself?

  57. Keith says:

    If it is deactivated then it cannot be working. I have a new version coming out soon.


  58. Robert says:


    I love your plugin. But I noticed that when I deactivate it, it just keeps on working. How do I stop it from redirecting when I dont want it to?

  59. SBA says:

    I installed the plugin on 2 sites recently and each time I enable the ‘Track 404 and redirects’ option it resets to ‘disabled’ the next time I look at settings.. Any thoughts on why this happens. The Redirection plugin is also installed and I notice it’s acting strange (error log shows 404 and redirects, the dates are not in descending order.. ).

  60. Keith says:

    I just tested the plugin on several different sites. I added the .php to the end of the slug and it redirected correctly. I don’t know what is happening on your website.


  61. Clare says:

    Oops, forgot to check notify me of followup comments.

  62. Clare says:

    Hi Keith,

    I installed your plugin and set it to the post name permalinks, 2 words, exclude small words, but it is still not working for a site I just launched. has many static pages that need redirected to similar named pages, such as: needs to go to . Can you give me some guidance? Thanks in advance.


  63. Andi says:

    Hello Keith,

    I just wanna say thanks for this great plugin! It’s very useful.

    Warm regards,

  64. Dean Suhr says:

    Perfect – thanks Brian.

  65. Keith says:

    It does a match on the “postname” field first to see if it can find the slug. Then is does the keyword search on the posts. I think this is what you would expect. It sanitizes the slug first so you might not get a match on postname if the slug is altered, but as long as just the structure is changed and not the postname it should get a hit.


  66. Dean Suhr says:

    Great plugin Keith – works great. I am curious as to how it works …

    I have an old site where the blog is no longer active. Moved that blog and all of its contents to a new site (domain). We put in a 301 redirect to the new blog to keep the old blog links and SEO intact. The problem you solved for me was that we changed the permalink format from postname to month&postname and the redirect only has the postname in it.

    Does this plugin check for a 100% match of postname before it drops back to 2-4 word checking? With the old postname style permalink, for us, that would be a 100% success on match to the new blog with the somewhat mechanical addition of the date to the URL.

    Thanks – Dean

  67. Judy Ranieri says:

    Hey Keith,
    This may be an obvious question but…
    Will your permalinks plugin work to redirect posts that were originally published with the ‘ugly’ permalink structure?

  68. I too would love an ‘exclude words’ feature 🙂

  69. Keith says:

    It sounds like a useful improvement. I’ve been adding things so I will add this and try to get a new release out soon.


  70. John Orr says:

    This is a fantastic plug-in. This has taken care of almost all of my 404 errors after moving my blog. Is there any chance of adding the ability for users to specify terms that shouldn’t be used? I have a two word lead in that is in the front of many of my old slugs. Deleting those in the url allows the plug in to do its thing, so if I could exclude them it would get my 404s down to zero. Thanks again for a great plug-in!

  71. Ed Fritz says:

    Great plug-in ! Just what I needed, because I needed to change permalink format and was manually entering redirects into another plugin. I can finally just watch a redirect take place 90% of the time and the 404 error are very low. I like that you have log for last 30, 404 or links…fantastic plugin, worked right out of the box with my site’s other plugins..thanks so much !!

  72. Keith says:

    Good idea. I will add it in the next release.


  73. Marco says:


    could you add an option to chose if the redirect should be a 301 or a 302?

    Would be really nice

  74. Travis says:

    Hit enter too soon… Thanks for the plugin 🙂

  75. Travis says:

    I’m also have the utm problem that Turbo Tweeter mentions.

  76. Keith says:

    I should do that. Numbers are a different animal than words as far as searches go. Searching on 11 might result in all posts with 2011 in the title. I will take a look.

    I have had a few other suggestions and I will make another release, but I need to let everyone update this one. I don’t like annoying people with frequent releases and I like to keep them at least a few weeks apart, unless it fixes a bug.


  77. Ron says:

    The plugin is almost perfect…
    When I ve a 404 error the permalink finder plugin will find a alternative post but in lot of cases I ve posts ends with a number like:


    the plugin will first search on the number (if searchin on one word). But I wish that this plugin in first case will do request on the first word: “description” instead of 11. Now the result in some cases doesnt make any sense. And I got


    Is there a simple solution to ignore numbers or last word(s)? I hope this is posible or with an update. Thanks!

  78. Keith says:

    Google says that a 301 encountered by their spiders will change the index. The original link to the bad page needs to be changed or Google will not forget the page in question.
    Make sure that the xml sitemap is correct and that should go a long way to fixing Google.
    I still get lots of hits on bad pages because of sites linking to old pages. There is no way to stop that, and Google will follow the same links.

  79. yoga says:

    Great plugins! These plugins can be overcome if the crawl errors found in google webmaster tools? If yes how long will it take? Thanks for helping

  80. Turbo Tweeter says:

    Well, I’ve kind of half fixed the problem by installing the “404-to-start” plugin from wp. Your plugin still works for normal missing url files. And, my blog now redirects to the homepage for missing pages link tagged by twitter with ?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter instead of the 404 page.

    It’s better. But, still not what I want.

    I want link finder to ignore the utm tags.

    Any info? Would make a great addition to the plugin.

  81. Turbo Tweeter says:

    Most excellent plugin! One problem for me though. It won’t work with utm codes like this:

    https:// youtubetwitter.interactiveportals.x10hosting. com/01/07/only-for-lilly-fail-song-2/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

    won’t redirect to

    https:// youtubetwitter.interactiveportals.x10hosting. com/01/07/only-for-lilly-fail-song/

    The first one is a duplicate post sent to Twitter through Tweetfeed automatically then removed as a duplicate. The second url is the original.

    I’m guessing because the utm tag screws things up. It’s a real pain in the butt for me cuz I am feeding a lot of links to Twitter etc while at the same time using a duplicate post remover plugin on my wp at the same time.

    Any tweaks, solutions, hacks etc that might work?

  82. Turbo Tweeter says:

    Most excellent plugin! One problem for me though. It won’t work with utm codes.

    I’m guessing because the utm tag screws things up. It’s a real pain in the butt for me cuz I am feeding a lot of links to Twitter etc while at the same time using a duplicate post remover plugin on my wp.

    Any tweaks, solutions, hacks etc that might work?

  83. Walter Jeffries says:

    Permalink-Finder is a most awesome plugin. Thank you so much for creating it and I will donate when I can (short of cash at the second – you know how it is…).

    A request: if it finds multiple possible posts could it return a list of them?

    A typo: In the 2nd paragraph on the right of the settings it says “If your have incoming links to index.html” and the you_r_ should be you.

    Many thanks and have fun with your bees. I kept bees for about 30 years and want to start again. Some year.


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    in the mountains of Vermont
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