I thought it was me, but when I came in this morning, all my sites on 1and1.com were timing out. Now they are back, with that quickness which means that the server might have been rebooted, or even swapped out with the next generation.
Anyway, we’re back.
I made a change to the htaccess file last night to block 30 or so bad IP addresses and I thought that I had blocked myself. Since it was just this site that was down last night, that was probably not the case. It might have been a bad nightly load that “healed”. I don’t even know if this is possible.
Inspecting the log, I have noticed that my “blogthis” script is generating 403 errors from various sites. Well, there is no warranty, expressed or implied in the script. I should make it available for download so that the technically challenged can install it on their own sites. I don’t need the traffic that the script generates.