Archive for June, 2011

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

The server has been out for the last 24 hours or so. I am now getting a 502 error when I check them.

I have not found any references to it, but my Stop Spammer Registration plugin will slow down new registrations while it times out accessing the site.

Anyone who has registered with botscout and project honeypot should have not problem with the plugin, as these are fallback checks.

My thought is that the site has been hit with a Denial Of Service attack. This is a good thing in that it means that the spammers have been hurt by plugins like mine and the SFS database.

I hope that the SFS site can recover.

I have added several new sites to the next release. Even if Stop Forum Spam goes down permanently, the plugin will still be able to stop the scum trying to foul our sites.

I thought that I may have been the target of some minor DOS. This site gets much more than its share of spam – sometimes 300 a day. I am not concerned, though. They would have to take down the WordPress repository to stop the plugin. I make no money on this site, and I expect that no one would notice if it were to go down for a while.