I wrote an automated RSS2Post plugin. It takes as input a feed and using a scheduled event goes out out every hour to snatch up to 10 RSS feeds and insert the entries as posts.
I took a while to write because I wanted it to work with 1) WordPress feeds, 2) Google Alert RSS, 3) Ebay partner network rss feeds, 3) Youtube Search RSS.
Another problem was making it work correctly in WordPress MU.
My GThread.com website has gone to hell in a basket. I originally had that parse the emails from Google Alert messages and plop them into web pages. It was hard to maintain.
I have installed WordPress 3.0.1 with MU and I will make all of the static sites into sub-blogs using the RSS2Post plugin to feed them.
I need a way to ping all the blogs at least once a day to kick off the ajax part of the pseudo cron function so the site says up to date.
I may have to write a plugin for one of my popular sites that kicks off a cron job to kick off the other site’s cron job – if that makes sense.
I will run this for a few weeks to get the bugs out. I found another bug in my Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin, but I can’t force my users to reload the plugins every few days. I’ll wait at least a week.