Archive for October, 2017

Trying out Woocommerce

Friday, October 13th, 2017

I’ve decided to make a new WP install on my site and use it to sell off my microphones. I have way too many and I need to get rid of them. I see on other sites that they good ones go from $250 to $400, that is if these sites actually get takers at those rates.

I’ve install Woocommerce on my test site and so far I have been able to get the pages working well. I have added to cart, made the purchase and made it all the way to the paypal login. I am hoping that that will do it.

I need to get a nice modern theme (my old jt30 theme is about 25 years old at its heart). I also have to figure out how to combine shipping in a way that it knows I need a bigger box. I got the USPS plugin working OK.

I also hope to test the Woocommerce spam protector and see if it actually works.