Because of all the feedback, I have updated the Rss2Post plugin and added a bunch of features.
New Features include:
Link Cloaking to obscure generated links.
Option of rel=”nofollow” on generated links.
Option to add more feeds (up to 50).
Option to create excerpts of the content.
Option to change the frequency of updates (hourly, twice daily, or daily).
Ability to pause and restart scheduled events.
Download Rss2Post autoposter here.
I’ve looked at the competition and they have interesting features involving scrambling and changing the keywords or adding random text. I am not sure that these are useful. If anyone can give me a use-case that fits this, I’ll see what I can do to add it.
The link cloaking might be available in a separate plugin, although I am not sure how to control which links get cloaked.