Recent Google Searches Widget

I wrote a little widget that captures the search query when users arrive from Google, Bing or Yahoo. It puts it in a sidebar widget so that users can see the most recent search queries and click on them.

I am hoping that users might stick around and search the same things other users found important enough to search on. It has been running for a few days on my wandering blog.

10 Responses to “Recent Google Searches Widget”

  1. Keith says:

    It is fixed. Download the 1.30 version.

    Great news about the traffic.

    I got a big increase, too, but it was mostly for porn keywords. On one site I had to take it off because the new traffic was not related to the site.

    It is a dangerous little widget and needs to be watched!

  2. aftab alam says:

    i am using this plug-in and got extra 200% traffic… really its true.

    but i am facing a problem.

    1- i set the number of searches to show on site is 15, but after few minutes or hours, it comeback to 5 (default)automatically
    2- title of widget come back to its default title.

    any guide?

    my site is ( )

  3. Keith says:

    Sorry it took so long, but I was home for a long weekend and couldn’t get to it until this morning.

  4. tat2jr says:

    Works perfect now Keith. Matches all my other formatting! Thanks.

  5. Keith says:

    There was a broken version. It seems to work better now, so please download the 1.13 version. It will not do anything until someone actually clicks through from a Google search. Try googling your site and then clicking through to it and see if it shows the link.

    Also make sure that you drag the widget to your sidebar.


  6. Fonny says:

    Hi , Why this not work in my WordPress? version is 2.8.6 too high?

  7. tat2jr says:

    No problem! Glad to help you troubleshoot it. Was happy to see the plugin update. The title is fixed now, and the hr line is under it, but now the links are blue instead of gray, and they have bullets next to them (my blog post links are blue, and the theme’s links are gray – if that makes sense). I’m using the Station 1.1.0 theme.

    BTW – I think I’m already seeing a bump in SEO traffic from having those search terms on my pages when the spiders come around! Already at a full days worth of hits at 3pm!

  8. Keith says:

    to tat2jr – fixed issue – I left out a line of code.

    Thanks for the heads-up.


  9. Keith says:

    I will check this out. I did have some trouble getting it to format on my blog, but I got rid of anything extraneous. I will look at the standard widgets to see the html behind them and try to fix mine.

  10. tat2jr says:

    Works great but the title of the widget doesn’t have the same formatting and color as the titles of all my other widgets. The blog has adult content, so I don’t want to publicly post it, but here’s a link to a jpg showing what I mean.

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