Looser Search Plugin

I submitted this plugin to wordpress the other day, but it has not been approved.

It is a plugin to replace the built-in wordpress search to one that is more likely to have hits at the cost of displaying false hits.

False hits are a good thing in that they suggest new pages to surfers, even if they are not the ones they are looking for.

Perhaps I should have named it differently. Looser Search is too much like Loser Search.

7 Responses to “Looser Search Plugin”

  1. Alex says:

    Thanks anyway, I figured it out. Now on to the next perfection.

  2. Alex says:

    I added a second function and a third Add_Filter. I thought it would just append, but that wasn’t the case. instead, it appears that the last Add_filter for “posts_where” just get overwritten by the last instance of it which is the second function that I created, that pretty much does exactly what the original function does… Count! but it only set up to count in the Title.

    It didn’t work. Not really familiar with the hard coded wordpress stuff. ahhh. but I’m going by the this concept, and that concept is to “Append.”

  3. Keith says:

    That sorts by the total count and then by title and then date (in case two posts have the same title.

    I believe you want to sort by keyword in the title, and then if then by the count of relevant keywords.

    for instance:
    Baseball – message with 4 keywords
    Baseball – message with 3 keywords,
    Baseball – message with 2 keywords
    Basketball – message with 5 keywords.

  4. Alex says:

    it looks like it already suppose title. take a look at
    $orderby=”$sql2 DESC, POST_TITLE DESC, POST_DATE DESC “;

  5. Keith says:

    You’d have to change the select clause that counts the keywords to create two counts, one for the title and one for the body of the post and then use these in the sort.

  6. Alex says:

    Hey, I’m trying to make it list Relevant Keywords in the title first, then the normal function of sorting by count. Can you shine some light on coding this in?

  7. Viki says:

    That is so true Keith, it does sound like Loser Search! lol.
    I hope its not too late to change the name.

    Although I haven’t used your plugin yet, I was interested in knowing, if its possible to show the widget of latest incoming searches, just on the admin dashboard, instead of the sidebar of the blog, can it be done?

    Btw, you should have an option to get comment replies in the mail. 🙂

    Thanks for your efforts!

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